Free - Value Builder Score

The Value Builder is a system that statistically increases your company's value by concentrating on eight critical areas. Precision Lending Group, INC monitors and analyzes your financial performance, cash flow, growth potential, revenue streams, marketing initiatives, customer satisfaction, critical dependencies, and company structure to enhance both business and financial value.

There Are 3 Parts To The Value Builder System:

  • Value Builder Score & Report is a free check that can effectively gauge your business's performance.
  • The Value Builder Assessment provides a thorough presentation and analysis of your Value Builder Score.
  • Value Builder Engagement is a 12-month commitment to raising your business's rating.

FREE Value Builder Score & Report

Companies that receive a score of 80 or above are anticipated to receive offers that are 71% greater than the average business. It is based on a quantitative study of more than 40,000 users. Obtaining your Value Builder Score & Report is one of the best methods to compare your business performance to that of your competitors in the same industry and to evaluate your performance across the 8 Key Drivers Of Company Value.

Value Builder Assessment

After receiving your Value Builder Score, you can choose to have a second consultation to evaluate your score thoroughly. When you choose Precision Lending Group, INC as your business consultant, we thoroughly go over your questionnaire and identify some quick actions you can take to raise your total score.

The consultation is conducted via a one-hour video conference, following which you will receive a presentation of our conversation and a detailed page report. The information you receive is perfect for getting started on raising your score and, ultimately, the worth of your company.

Value Builder Engagement

Value Builder Engagement is a process designed to enhance your Value Builder Score and the value of your business. Each month, you'll meet with a Precision Lending Group, INC team member, who will work with you to improve your company's value. It is where we track, examine, and work to enhance your eight key value drivers.

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